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@All You have New Year's greetings from Guangdong Happy Chinese New Year! Chinese Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. In Chinese culture, the tiger symbolizes bravery and strength. As we say hello to the Chinese New Year, it is a tradition to send New Year greetings to family and friends at home and abroad. Although the pandemic still ravaged the world in 2021, we have joined hands together in the global village to safeguard each other and our shared hope in the cold winter. In 2022, we will "add wings to the tiger" and act with the courage and strength of the tiger to overcome all obstacles on our way forward. As we are ushering into this Chinese Lunar New Year, Guangdong Governor Wang Weizhong and the Consuls General in Guangzhou from six continents are sending their best wishes in different languages to people worldwide. Click on the video above and get the New Year greetings from them! Source:Southcn.com, GDToday (Newsgd.com) @所有人,您收到了一條來自廣東的祝福 金牛俯首辭舊歲,瑞虎飛騰迎新春。春節是辭舊迎新的美好時節,也是一個與親朋好友互致節日問候的節慶時刻。 盡管2021年全球新冠疫情依然肆虐,地球上的村民依然緊緊手拉手,心連心,寒冬中守護彼此,守護希望。2022年,我們充滿期盼,必將如虎添翼,勇敢戰勝前進道路上各種險阻。 在此辭舊迎新之際,廣東省省長王偉中與來自全球六個大洲的駐廣州總領事們向您發來了“一封賀電”。他們用各自不同的語言向中國人民以及其他各國人民致以誠摯的新春祝福。 馬上猛戳上方視頻,收獲來自廣東的新年賀詞吧! 恭祝大家虎年大吉,虎虎生威!