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佛山市順德區龍江鎮偉高家具制造有限公司 廣東省 佛山市 88.4k 收藏店鋪 聯系我們 首頁 產品 私密展廳 公司簡介 業務類型 - 業務范圍 其他、公共家具、其他 成立時間 2004年 公司所在地 廣東省佛山市順德區龍江鎮東海工業區 公司網址 郵編號碼 528300 員工人數 50-100人 注冊資金 A人民幣 聯系我們 公司介紹 佛山市順德偉高家具有限公司創建于1990年,公司一直專注于金屬家具制造,于2004年轉型為專業生產歐美設計風格的不銹鋼吧椅、吧臺,戶外家具的企業。部分不銹鋼吧椅,已獲得了國家專利權。為發展需要,公司在2009年申請注冊“Keitel”品牌。 憑著20多年積累的生產經驗,公司現擁有一支高素質的設計、高效率的管理團隊,以及大批技術熟練的操作工人,為客戶生產出中高檔、價格最具競爭力的不銹鋼產品提供充分的保障。 偉高家具公司一貫本著“立德誠信,進取創新”的經營理念。近年來,公司不斷引進先進生產設備,改良生產工藝,強化質量管理,產品品質不斷得到提升,產品遠銷歐洲、美洲、澳洲等世界各地,并且受到一致的認同! 偉高家具公司將會不斷創新和發展,以最優質的產品,最真誠的服務回饋廣大海內外客戶! Shunde Worldco Furniture Manufacturing Co.,Ltd was established in 1990, the company was dedicated to hardware furniture in the past. In 2004 we directed our attention to manufacturing Stainless Steel Bar Stools、Bar Tables and Outdoor Furniture to suit the western markets. The company applied the brand as “Keitel” in 2009. Now we have successfully gained the patent for some Bar Stools we currently produce. With more than 20 years of manufacturing experience, our company has a professional team of skilled technicians and a efficient administration system. This has enabled Worldco Furniture to supply the mid to high range products at very competitive prices. Worldco Furniture always adheres to the philosophy of “good faith, credible, progressive and innovative”. In recent years, we have continually advanced manufacturing techniques to improve production processes and enhance our quality control which is constantly evolving. Our products are spread throughout Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand. We have gained recognition as a quality manufacturer worldwide. Worldco Furniture will progressively develop new products and maintain a high standard for the worldwide markets. 產品列表 查看更多 固裝架類吧椅 吧椅 詢盤 享受工廠價 固裝架類吧椅 吧椅 詢盤 享受工廠價 汽動吧椅 吧椅 詢盤 享受工廠價 汽動吧椅 吧椅 詢盤 享受工廠價