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杭州卡舒頓紡織有限公司 浙江省 杭州市 25.8k 收藏店鋪 聯系我們 首頁 產品 公司簡介 業務類型 - 業務范圍 家居裝飾、布藝軟飾、材料配件、裝飾布藝 成立時間 -年 公司所在地 浙江省杭州市余杭經濟開發區宏達路18號 公司網址 www.kasoulton.com 郵編號碼 311100 員工人數 50-100人 注冊資金 未填寫 聯系我們 公司介紹 杭州卡舒頓紡織有限公司 是一家以產銷沙發布為主的現代化、專業化的公司,公司具有引領市場潮流的開發設計,高素質的員工團隊和完善的市場服務體系,并擁有意大利SMIT劍桿織機、德國卡爾邁耶經編機等先進生產設備,同時公司配備了相關的檢測設備,嚴格按照出口標準控制產品出貨品質,產品穩定可靠,深受國內外客商的青睞?! ”竟咀溆谡憬『贾菔杏嗪冀洕_發區,公司以市場為主導,設計為本,人才為依托,專注于新產品的設計研發,始終把握潮流風尚,不斷開展新花型、新品種,為家紡裝飾布行業帶來源源不斷的新靈感、新思路?! 」颈局?以質量求商機,以創新求生存,以效益求發展"的宗旨,在精益求精的基礎上,不斷融入時尚元素,引領潮流新局面,立志成為沙發布藝行業一支新型強大隊伍,竭誠為客戶提供最優質的產品和服務。Hangzhou Kasoulton Textile Co., Ltd. is a publishing modernization, specialization of production and marketing the company, the company has developed the design to lead the market trend, high-quality staff team and perfect market service system, and with the Italy SMIT rapier looms, German card Raul Meyer warp knitting machine and other advanced production equipment, the company equipped with detection related equipment, in strict accordance with the export standards to control product quality in the market, the product is stable and reliable, favored by domestic and foreign merchants.  The company is located in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Yuhang Economic Development Zone, the company takes the market as the leading, design oriented, talent as the basis, design research and development focused on new products, always grasp the trend of fashion, new variety development of new flower type, continuous, bring new ideas, new ideas for home textile decoration fabric industry.  The company spirit of "to seek business opportunities for quality, innovation and survival, to efficiency and development" purposes, to refine on the basis, continue to integrate into the elements of fashion, leading the trend of new situation, sofa cloth industry to become a new powerful team, dedicated to provide the best quality products and service for customers.Copyright ? 2010 by www.esttex.com All Rights reserved Admin E-mail 浙ICP備102 產品列表 查看更多 布料 布料 詢盤 享受工廠價 布料 布料 詢盤 享受工廠價