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設計是一種追求完美的生活態度,追求品位的生活概念。?Design is a life attitude of pursuing北約是什么, perfection,The concept octrl+alt+a截圖保存在哪,f life in pursuit of taste.??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???案例名稱:白晶谷戶型面積:900㎡設計風格:新中式風格???負一樓至三樓平面布置圖▽??新中式風別墅效果圖▽-1F會客廳??-1F茶室??-1F吧臺??新中式的住宅設計思想與東方哲學緊密相連。新中式風格的室內設計,在室內布置、線形、色調以及家具、陳設的造型等方面,汲取新中式裝飾“形”與“神”的特征。?The new Chinese style residential design thought is closely connected with oriental philosophy. The interior design of the new Chinese style draws on the characteristics of "shape" and "spirit" of the new Chinese style decoration in the aspects of interior layout, line shape, tone, and the shape of furniture and furnishings.??-1F影音室?應客戶要求安裝的負一樓影音室,不能按照新中式風格裝,并且考慮影音的隔音要求,故參考歐式風格設計,加入了沙發、按摩椅的軟裝,增加觀影舒適度。?The audio-visual room on the first floor of the basement installed at the request of the customer can not be installed in accordance with the new Chinese style, and considering the sound insulation requirements of the audio-visual room, it is designed with reference to the European style, and soft decoration of sofas and massage chairs is added to increase the viewing comfort.??-1F電梯廳1??-1F電梯廳2??1F入戶玄關??1F鞋柜怎樣避開行程碼定位,??1F電視背景1??1F電視背景2??中國傳統室內裝飾藝術的特點是總體布局對稱均衡、端正穩健,而在裝飾細節上崇尚自然情趣,花鳥魚蟲等精髓細琢、富于變化,充分體現出中國傳統美學精神。?The characteristics of Chinese traditional interior decoration art are that the overall layout is symmetrical and balanced, correct and stable, while the decoration details advocate natural interest, and the essence of flowers, birds, fish and insects is detailed and rich in changes, which fully reflects the spirit of Chinese traditional aesthetics.??1F電梯廳??1F餐廳玄關??1F餐廳??1F廚房??新中式風格室內設計風格比較講究端莊氣質和豐富的內涵,從家具的陳列到陳設品的布置,常采用均衡的手法來達到穩健,莊重的效果,追求一種修身養性的生活境界。??The new Chinese style interior design style pays more attention to the dignified temperament and rich connotation of Enhua. From the display of furniture to the layout of furnishings, it often adopts a balanced approach to achieve a stable and solemn effect and pursue a life realm of self-cultivation.??1F長輩房??2F兒童房A??2F兒童房B??3F次臥??3F主臥??在新中式風格的住宅中,空間裝飾多采用簡潔、硬朗的直線條,并且采用具有西方工業設計色彩的板式家具與中式風格的家具搭配使用。?In the new Chinese style residence, the space decoration is mostly simple and hard straight lines, and the panel furniture with western industrial design color is used with the Chinese style furniture.??TURInterior? design項目地址??/??project address??/? 貴陽市 ? 雙龍?? 白晶谷項目類型??/? Project type? /? 全案設計戶型? /? Door Model? /??別墅設計公司? /? Design company? /? 土人設計? ?設計團隊? /? The design team? /???袁順蓮? ?穆林? ?符越? ????設計總監?/? 袁順蓮聯合創始人??/??符越聯合創始人? /? 穆林???w?www. turensheji. com? ???項 目 咨 詢TEL:0851-85511586(咨詢熱線)/199-8574-0001(推廣熱線)199-8574-0002(商業空間)/199-8574-0003(大? ? ? 宅)199-8543-0004(別? ? ? 墅)/199-8542-0005(采購熱線)199-8543-0006(工地熱線)/199-8543-0007(項目熱線)